dimanche 9 novembre 2008


Kitten is the cutest thing ever. Still unnamed, I'm concerned she's going to think her name is "little cat" forever. One drunken night I proclaimed to my boyfriend that her name would be "cuddle patches" to which he appropriately eyed me as a crazy. Her obsessions include pork and bananas and I'm pretty sure she thinks shes a little lion. It's difficult to take pictures of her though because shes so curious about the camera so I have to sneak up on her national geographic style.

5 commentaires:

lisa @ luxe a dit…

seriously the cutest kitten ever!!!
xoxo from las vegas

Anonyme a dit…

Such a cute cat, what breed is it? Or did you pick it up in a shelter? Ha like twenty questions, I'm bored and distracting myself from an Economics project.

I'd love to get a kitten, but I live in an apartment with no window ledges or anywhere for it to go outside, so I don't know if that would be cool for the cat. x

Angela a dit…

she is soooo cute.

White Lightning a dit…

i mean, this is like a fake internet joke cat, right? the face is tooooo hilarious! what a little bad ass !

mademoiselleb a dit…

omg he is so cute !